
May 27 - June 3 2022

Featuring: Kate Bang, Hanna Dotzenroth, Sylvie Ellis, Jennifer Fernando, Audrey Gamponia, Louisa Hammond, Diane Hitchings, Jenna Hoffart, Krissya Iraheta, Andrea Larsen, Hannah Maxwell, Samantha McLeod, Joshua Navis, Grace Papineau-Couture, Pascale Robinson, Emma Rockwell, Jody Sehn Schmidek, Mikylie Shapka, Michelle Tran, Boyd Webber, and Jinying Zhu

Nascency: to be brought to life for the first time, to come into existence. 

A springtime exhibition featuring new works by freshly graduated BFA students from the University of Alberta. Nascency is a celebration of several years of transformation, dedication, and a celebration of the future. Showing our work to the public for the first time outside of the context of the University setting, this exhibition is a representation of our new birth as we navigate the world with brand new eyes. Our own metamorphosis: no longer students, but artists, simply. 

Join us as we introduce you to the sublime nature of being. Expressions of human emotion and experiences. Ideas of ecology, humor, trauma, escapism, and regeneration – to name a few. This is Nascency.


A Molecule of Perfect


aAron Munson | Sit Still and Take Notice